Adaptive Teaching: Stretch and Challenge for All Pupils | Secondary

Image of Matt Bromley
Matt Bromley Education journalist, author, and advisor
Webinar 59min

This webinar will provide headteachers, school leaders, teachers and teaching assistants with an understanding of the importance of stretching and challenging pupils’ capabilities for learning, storing and implementing knowledge through adaptive teaching.

CPD Certified

This webinar will provide headteachers, school leaders, teachers and teaching assistants with an understanding of the importance of stretching and challenging pupils’ capabilities for learning, storing and implementing knowledge through adaptive teaching.

In this post-COVID teaching environment, adaptive teaching has become more paramount than before, as COVID has widened the gap between pupils with different learning styles and needs. Adaptive teaching’s focus on achieving set learning goals with pupils whose learning styles may differ from each other has become a vital technique for teachers to utilise as schools across the country continue to catch up with their curriculums.

In this webinar, Matt Bromley, an expert in school leadership who has over twenty years’ worth of experience in teaching and leadership, encourages teachers to recognise that pupil’s problem-solving abilities is crucial to not only their own success, but to help them in understanding why and how they’re able to progress in their learning.