RSE Curriculum: Managing Difficult Conversations

Image of Rebecca Jennings
Rebecca Jennings Experienced author, trainer and broadcaster
Webinar 54min

This webinar will provide school and college leaders, headteachers, PSHE/RSHE leads and teachers with practical advice and guidance on how to manage difficult conversations with children relating to relationships and sex education.

CPD Certified

This webinar will provide school and college leaders, headteachers, PSHE/RSHE leads and teachers with practical advice and guidance on how to manage difficult conversations with children relating to relationships and sex education.

With the introduction of the new statutory Relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education curriculum from September, talking to children and young people in an open and honest manner around this topic is key. As educators, it’s important to deliver lessons and provide them with the facts in a safe and age-appropriate way.

In this webinar, RSE expert Rebecca Jennings, who has over 18 years’ experience delivering age-appropriate relationship and sex education to schools, discusses how teachers can broach sensitive topic areas, talk with confidence and overcome challenges in the classroom.