How to Teach Effective Critical Thinking Skills to Support Pupils’ Learning and Growth

Image of Stephen Burnage
Stephen Burnage Expert practitioner, consultant and trainer
Webinar 53min

This webinar will provide headteachers, school leaders, teachers and practitioners with advice and practical tips on developing pupils’ critical thinking skills to inform decision-making and problem-solving during both their school career and adult life.

CPD Certified

Webinar Runtime: 53 Minutes

This webinar will provide headteachers, school leaders, teachers and practitioners with advice and practical tips on developing pupils’ critical thinking skills to inform decision-making and problem-solving during both their school career and adult life.

Critical thinking is a crucial part of children’s development. The ability for pupils to think beyond the boundaries of what has been memorised and evaluate their own thought process with reasoned judgements is widely accepted as one of the most important skills teachers can help children to learn. Critical thinking can be applied at any age, in any subject and through any aspect of life.

In this webinar, Stephen Burnage, a school leadership specialist and expert practitioner with over 25 years’ teaching experience, explores why schools should focus on developing critical thinking skills, strategies for effective classroom practice and how teachers can implement learning across the curriculum.