GCSE MFL: Adapting Provision in Line with Updated Subject Content

Image of Wendy Adeniji
Wendy Adeniji School principal, teacher, inspector and author
Webinar 48min

This webinar will provide modern foreign languages teachers, subject and curriculum leaders and headteachers with expert insight into the newly revised subject content for French, German and Spanish GCSE qualifications, together with an overview of the outcomes of consultation which informed the revision.

CPD Certified

This webinar will provide modern foreign languages teachers, subject and curriculum leaders and headteachers with expert insight into the newly revised subject content for French, German and Spanish GCSE qualifications, together with an overview of the outcomes of consultation which informed the revision.

On 14 January, the DfE published new subject content for GCSE modern foreign language qualifications in French, German and Spanish, which takes effect from September 2024 with the purpose of ensuring that the qualifications continue to be rigorous and support high-quality teaching. At the same time, the DfE published the outcomes of consultation on its proposed changes to subject content.

In this webinar, Wendy Adeniji, experienced school principal, MFL teacher, inspector, trainer and author of international renown, explores the newly revised subject content and outcomes of consultation, and explains how schools can make a head start in adapting current provision so that they are fully prepared when the revised subject content takes effect.