EYFS Framework Reforms: Teaching Mathematics in Line with DfE Curriculum Guidance

Image of Mark Avis
Mark Avis Mathematics specialist teacher
Webinar 47min

This webinar will provide school leaders, mathematics leads and teaching staff in early years with an understanding of how to enhance mathematics provision in line with the DfE’s reformed Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework and supportive curriculum guidance.

CPD Certified

Webinar Duration: 47 minutes (approx.)

This webinar will provide school leaders, mathematics leads and teaching staff in early years with an understanding of how to enhance mathematics provision in line with the DfE’s reformed Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework and supportive curriculum guidance.

The DfE’s revised EYFS Framework will become statutory for all schools in September 2021. Early adopter schools are already adhering to the framework, supported by the recent DfE ‘Development Matters’ curriculum guidance, which sets out the pathways of children’s development, including mathematics.

This follows research published by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) in January 2020 which set out five recommendations to support practitioners in developing the maths skills of 3 to 7 year-olds.

In this webinar, Mark Avis, a mathematics specialist with over 30 years’ teaching and leadership experience, explores how schools can start to build and develop an effective mathematics provision in line with proposed EYFS requirements and best practice recommendations.