The Wood Report: New Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements for Schools and Colleges

Image of Robin Watts
Robin Watts International safeguarding expert
Webinar 50min

This webinar will provide leaders, designated safeguarding leads and governors with insight into the Wood Report on new multi-agency safeguarding arrangements, highlighting recommendations around engagement.

CPD Certified

This webinar will provide leaders, designated safeguarding leads and governors with insight into the Wood Report on new multi-agency safeguarding arrangements, highlighting recommendations around engagement.

The Children and Social Work Act 2017 introduced new, multi-agency arrangements to safeguard children and young people. Phase Two of the Wood Report reviews progress to date in implementing the new framework, and makes recommendations for improvements.

In this webinar, Robin Watts, international safeguarding expert and education consultant who has worked with schools worldwide, provides an overview of the Wood Report, explaining roles and responsibilities of all parties, assessing how effective the new arrangements are and discussing recommendations to enhance outcomes for children, with special focus on increased collaboration with schools.