Remote Education: Meeting Expectations in Line with DfE and Ofsted Requirements | Primary

Image of Matt Bromley
Matt Bromley Education journalist, author, and advisor
Webinar 1hr 5min

This webinar will provide headteachers, senior leaders, curriculum leads and designated safeguarding leads with guidance and support in complying with their remote education safeguarding and curriculum requirements.

CPD Certified

This webinar will provide headteachers, senior leaders, curriculum leads and designated safeguarding leads with guidance and support in complying with their remote education safeguarding and curriculum requirements.

From 1 September 2021, it is a legal requirement for schools to provide remote education for pupils unable to attend the school site due to COVID-19. It follows a sustained focus by the DfE and Ofsted, through KCSIE and the School inspection handbook, for schools to have effective safeguarding measures and curriculum planning in place should they be required to deliver remote learning.

This webinar will support schools to understand their legal duties under the new remote education direction, navigate through updated guidance from the DfE and Ofsted and implement the necessary measures to ensure compliance with government expectations.